history50 (1K)
Course Requirements (3K)

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Attendance is required.


Class preparation and participation (10%):

I expect students to come to class each day, having read thoroughly all
materials assigned for that day, and ready to discuss the topics covered that
day. Consistent, thorough preparation will greatly help your grasp of the
sometimes complex subject of this class, and will improve the chemistry within
the classroom; making the class itself, a better learning experience. I cannot
emphasize enough how important it is to be mentally “into” this course.

Written work (40%):

  • Text glosses (5%):

    •    Each student must submit brief glosses of required source readings
      four times during the semester. These glosses will be the basis
      for class discussions of the texts. Assignment specifics to follow.
  • Internet/website sources and commentaries (15% = 2 x 7.5%):

    1.   Art or music sample. Each student must submit at least one example
      of art from one of the cultures under study in this class in the time
      periods covered by this class. You must also provide a brief commentary
      on the example, and identify the website (URL) from which it comes.
    2.    Brief web-based research on “kinship societies” or “people without a history.” Comment on how your research affects your understanding of Stavrianos’s first part. Documentation (URL) and commentary required; and 3) description of and commentary on website dealing with some aspect of history prior to 1600 C.E. The website must be fully identified. This website must not be used for either the Art/Music or “kinship societies” assignments.
  • Responses to prompts (5%):

    •   Writing prompts will be posted for each week’s readings.
    •   You must respond in writing to a prompt from five weeks
      throughout the semester.
  • Extended analyses of writers and documents (20%- 2 x 10%):

    •   You are allowed to use one the writers and documents assigned for our readings.
    •   You may use other writers or documents, but these choices must be approved by the instructor in advance.

    All your work should be kept in a portfolio throughout the semester and resubmitted at the end of the semester.


    Exams (55%):

    • There will be two exams- a midterm (20%) and a final exam (35%)

    Please note: You must average a passing grade on the exams to pass the course!!! There are no make-up exams without an acceptable, verifiable, written excuse, or unless arranged in advance.



    • Late work is accepted, but a one grade penalty is applied for each day (not each class period) it is late.
    • Course grades are determined on a 1000 point scale. Weight is given to assignments according to the above percentages. For instance, the journal is worth 300 points.
           900-1000=A     600-699 =D     800-899 =B
            700-799 =C     Less than 600=F
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