American Expansion to 1914



1803         -    Louisiana Purchase

1823         -    Monroe Doctrine

1832         -    Blackhawk war

1838-1839-    “Trail of Tears”   The forcible removal of the Cherokees to Oklahoma territories.

1845         -    Texas annexed

1846-48    -    War with Mexico. Southwest territories, including California, to U.S.

1853          -   Commodore Perry forced Japan to open its ports. Commercial treaties followed.

1864-1889 -  Taming of the West”:  Indian wars, virtual extinction of the buffalo.

1864-1881 -  wars in the northern plains. Cheyenne, Sioux (1876-Little Big Horn)

1867-1874 -   Comanche and Kiowas subdued (Oklahoma, Texas)

1860’s-1886 - Conflicts with the Apaches

1872-73      -  Modoc wars in California

1877           -  Nez Perce conflict.

1889           -  Wounded Knee

1895           -  Intervention in Venezuela. Forced British to accept compromise. Panama created.

1898           -  Spanish-American War. Annexed Puerto Rico and Philippines. Set up republic in Cuba.

1899           -  Hawaii annexed.

1900           -  America put forth its “Open-Door Policy” for China.

1902           -  Guerilla war began in the Philippines.

1904           -  Roosevelt Corollary announced. 

1914           -  Panama Canal opened.